The NAS that our datastores are held on don't understand the vmfs disk format, and report that the LUNs are near full when they aren't - just I've touched over 90% of sectors at some point. The below is scheduled as a weekly report and reports usage in total to a CSV file and datastores over 75% used in the message body. I'm going to use the HTML conversion routine a lot more now, it's miles better than attaching CSV files - here's to uglier looking emails..
add-pssnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core #see? useful already.
$mySMTPServer = ""
#munge a date-time and report filename together
$now=get-date -format "MMM-dd_hhhh-mm-ss"
$filename = "d:\temp\diskusage_" + $now + ".csv"
$htmlfilename = "d:\temp\diskusage_" + $now + ".html"
#probably this is redundant
connect-viserver $myVCServer
#get our snapshot list
$report=get-datastore|select-object Name, FreeSpaceMB, CapacityMB, @{Name="PctUsed";expression={[math]::Round(100-(100/$_.CapacityMB)*$_.FreeSpaceMB)}} | sort-object -property PctUsed
$report | export-csv $filename -NoTypeInformation
$summary=$report|where-object {$_.PctUsed -ge 75}
$summary|convertto-html|out-file $htmlfilename
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($file)
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($mySMTPServer)
#mail the file out
$msg.From = ""
$msg.Subject = "ESX environment - Disk utilisation"
#$msg.Body = "Utilisation of each datastore, generated $now`n"
#$msg.Body = $msg.Body + "This report runs weekly from $myVCServer.`n"
#$msg.Body = $msg.Body + "Full report attached.`n`n`nDisks greater than 75% usage:`n"
#$msg.Body = $msg.Body + {$report|select-object Name, PctUsed|where-object {$_.PctUsed -ge 75}}
$mycontent=get-content $htmlfilename
$msg.body = $mycontent
$msg.IsBodyHTML = $true
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